‘Peter Pan’ To Fly On Bingham High Stage
Oct 23, 2014 04:04PM ● By City Journals Staff
The family favorite, the “Peter Pan” musical will be performed by 78 cast members on Bingham High School’s stage in November.
The show will feature 10 performances at 7 p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays, Mondays and Tuesdays from Nov. 14 through Nov. 25. In addition, there will be 2 p.m. matinees on Saturdays and a character party beforehand at noon, where guests can meet Peter Pan and the lead characters, play games, eat treats and get some fairy dust.
Tickets to the show are $10 for premium seating, $8 for general admission and $10 for the character party. Tickets are available on the school website or at the door of the auditorium, 2140 West 10400 South.
Peter Pan, played by senior Sarah Royall, will fly across the stage, thanks to a fly rail after receiving lessons from ZFX Flying. Sarah will have about one month to train on the equipment, director Michelle Robbins said.
Joining her on stage will be senior Ammon May who will play Captain Hook; senior Chelsie Relph as Wendy; sophomore Chandler DeYoung as Wendy’s brother John and Brian Khong, 10, who plays the youngest brother, Michael. In addition to the Bingham cast, five Lost Boys will be played by local elementary-age boys.
“It was time for us to do a spectacular, and I love the story of Peter Pan,” Robbins said. “It’s going to be fun. We took the first weeks of rehearsal to just play — hide-and-seek, capture the flag — and get a feel of the light-heartedness of the show. I like the idea of staying young at heart and creating a magical place in Neverland.”