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South Jordan Journal

South Jordan business named one of 100 Companies Championing Women

Jan 03, 2025 10:05AM ● By Peri Kinder

NeuroHealth was recognized as a 100 Companies Championing Women business. Women make up 75% of the company’s employees. From left, Elizabeth Sweat, Sophia Pitts and Jazlynn Powell work at the office in South Jordan. (Photo courtesy NeuroHealth)

NeuroHealth in South Jordan (10437 S. Temple Drive) was recently named as one of 100 Companies Championing Women in Utah. The clinic provides transcranial magnetic stimulation to help those battling depression, OCD or recurring migraines. 

Created by the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity, the Cox-Henderson Administration and the Utah Women & Leadership Project in 2022, the 100 Companies Championing Women initiative encourages businesses to provide family-friendly policies and promote women in the organization. 

NeuroHealth was named to the 2025 100 Companies Championing Women cohort, recognized for building a family-centered company culture. 

“As an employer, we have focused on creating a work environment that is attractive to the modern woman in Utah,” NeuroHealth Manager Jason Corbridge said. “Each employee is empowered to make decisions to positively impact the experience of our patients.”

Pay equality, flexible parental leave and scheduling, and a family-first mentality helped NeuroHealth attain the status of 100 Companies Championing Women. NeuroHealth CEO Bryan Scott said creating a workplace where women feel comfortable was imperative when starting the business. 

“Not only is it the right thing to do, but those working in the mental health space must be compassionate and empathetic,” Scott said. “I believe that these skills are more innate in women than in men. By not putting these policies in effect, we would have made it harder for us to find the right caregivers. Our goal is to help people suffering from depression and anxiety, we take that into account in every policy we create.”

Corbridge said the majority of NeuroHealth’s patients are women suffering from postpartum depression, major depressive disorders, anxiety or OCD tendencies. He believes it’s critical to hire women who can connect with and support other women who are taking steps to improve themselves and their mental health.

Moving forward, NeuroHealth will continue to staff the clinic with women who are in the best situation to help those struggling with mental health issues. 

“There are so many voices out there that tear people down,” Corbridge said. “Expectations and pressures that make life seem unbearable. These fantastic women in our clinic help fight that, and when people leave, they leave feeling better. They ensure every experience here is a positive one.”

According to WalletHub’s 2024 Best States for Women results, Utah ranks 36th in women’s economic and social well-being and ranks 35th overall. The state’s Inspire in Utah initiative is designed to support women in business at every level and to offer resources to help them succeed. 

Other companies in the 100 Companies Championing Women 2025 cohort include Mortenson, Mountainland Technical College, Squeeze, MAG and What Utah Makes. For more information, visit 

Scott is the publisher of The City Journals, a company that was named in the 2024 cohort of 100 Companies Championing Women. The City Journals implements recruitment strategies to encourage women to apply for positions with the company while creating flexible work schedules and remote work options. 

“I couldn’t be more proud of the team we put together at NeuroHealth,” Corbridge said. “These women care and go above and beyond to help everyone who walks in our door. They make sure every patient feels safe, secure and accepted.”

To learn more about NeuroHealth’s treatment options, visit